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Having a creative block? | Article

What do you do when you have a creative block?

A few weeks ago, after a conference talk at the University of the Sunshine Coast, a student asked me “what do you do when you have a creative block?” My answer was pretty simple: Acknowledge you are going through a creative block and take a break.

In 2015, I experienced a massive creative block after my first solo exhibition; I learned that this is called “post-exhibition blues”. So this year, after opening my second solo exhibition, I was not going to make the same mistake again.

How to fight a creative block back

Going for a walk in nature is one of my best recipes to give myself a break. Physical activities where my body moves more and my brain works less typically work for me. And that is exactly what I did in July and August.

Being surrounded by friends and family, and disconnecting from social media have been pretty good remedies to keep myself mentally healthier.

Now, I am back at my office in Melbourne being conscious about having a better work/life balance if that exists. I’m reminding myself the importance of doing exercise, and taking distance from my work as I get too obsessed sometimes.

This trip has helped me to see things clearer from the distance, at least for now.

If you live on this side of the planet, welcome to Spring!

This article was part of my latest email newsletter called “In Love Or Not”.